Oh, I like food, yes. In fact, at some point I was (am?) planning on putting up a post called "The argument for connoisseurship" or some such nonsense. Because you gotta eat, so why not make it interesting?
But today I wasn't sure what to have for dinner, so I went off into internet land and started typing searches like "what to eat" - and whoa. Turns out I've got it all wrong! And you've got it all wrong, too! And so does everybody else!
Because DID YOU KNOW: humans only evolved into smart things after they added fruits and animals to their diet. Naturally, this is way we were "designed" to eat: fruits, nuts, and raw animal protein.
So that's it, it's time to start eating the things we humans were meant too...oh, wait - wait, that's not right! HERE'S the answer: mostly vegetables and fiber. After all, some of the healthiest cultures on the planet eat this way. Oh, and that fiber! Fiber's very important, you see. Great for digestion; fighting constipation and irritable bowel syndrome - 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and a lot of fiber, and you're good to go.
...Oh boy. I guess I'm gonna need a re-do on that last bit. Turns out, fiber's not the way to go at all. It actually CAUSES stuff like constipation and IBS. Darn.
So I'm officially scared off of fiber. Wait, how can I eat the vegetables, now? I guess it's
....? What's this? Aw, yeah - now we're talking! I like this site. It's settled, then: animal for dinner! Nice marbled steak, maybe? Lamb, pig? Mmm...time to go shopping.
(The point being: this concept of the ideal diet is, even if not completely ridiculous, an absolute mess of an approach to making one's own food choices. But there must be some more reasonable approach, right? Stay tuned; I think we're comin' back to this one.)
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