Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Movie Review: Slumdog Millionaire

Screw it. This movie has been out for awhile, you've probably seen it, you can go to RottenTomatoes.com and see the critical consensus (which is, of course, "briiiilliant"), etc.

So I'll just make five observations:

1. The main story is unashamedly a classic fairy tale. Happily-ever-after and all that. Don't think so? Explain to me what the end credit sequence is all about, then.

2. The setting and music, particularly near the beginning of the film, are very interesting - something that strikes me as an earnest attempt to depict the "real" modern urban India: slums next to skyscrapers, hi-tech companies and rickety pay-outhouses, youth from all walks immersed in a frenetic pace of life supplemented by the infusion of driving techno music.

3. The coupling of the above observations is...weird. Fairy tale + reality = ...? The two certainly don't reinforce each other. Either the elements of reality in the backdrop are severely undercut, or the elements of the storyline are unnecessarily weighted down.

4. Example of #3: the host of "Who Wants to be a Millanaire" gets the kid interrogated by torture? In a fairy tale: "Sure, whatever." In a realism-minded piece: "Wow, does that actually happen?" In this movie: "Uh...seriously?"

5. Slumdog Millionaire was more fun to watch than Watchmen. This has to get at least a 3.5, then. Should have probably gone with 3.0 for the former. Ah well...

***1/2 (a higher 3.5 than Watchmen - how about that)

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