Saturday, June 20, 2009


Lots of alcohol, enough to slow you down, make your eye movements lag, make you feel like everything you want is so much closer than it actually is.

And that is where I am right now (promise), and it is an interesting place to be.

Deep in conversations which you wish for sober, don't have sober, could give much better treatment to sober.

Willing to make real confessions...which I guess I could do NOW, except I just realized that instead of just BC anyone who follows my blog (=Gerard at the moment) can see my email address - same one that I use to talk to gramma. Crap.

But this is the state in which the last half verse of the stupid song about the month of May (yeah, it's actually decent) I made seem much more immediate...

I look into the mirror
My face is getting clearer
Everything is nearer
Everything is open wide....

And...oh there are so many things to say when you throw open the doors of your mind...
But no, no, can't do that, not now. In songs, maybe. In the book I'm almost done with, definitely (though that's not supposed to be TOO obvious). But not in plain language, not like this. That's why the blog was titled THINK - because too often we evaluate what is said on the basis of who is saying it.

But often (usually, always?) WHO is so much more compelling than WHAT. The double standard: evaluate my song for what it is, but I'll dig as deep as possible to discover the mind/heart behind the song I listen to

Ok, that's enough about ME...maybe. I don't know. That homemade 136 proof rum was darn good.

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